THE Left: More Teachers For Bavaria

The parents initiative for “More teachers at Bavarian schools!” handed over 140,000 signatures early July 2008 Minister-President Dr. Gunther Beckstein and Culture Minister Siegfried Schneider, the Prime Minister showed little interest. He said that no offer for teachers on the job market would be more available. This also applies to primary school teachers. “Beckstein reiterated that with the words: we want Yes not up to grade point average 4.3 adjust.” To be taken in the school, a University graduate required a grade point average in Bavaria by better than 2.1. Although there is a great need for teachers, the State afford the luxury that teachers who achieve a grade point average of about 2.1, waste their skills as a taxi driver and temporary workers in berufsfremdem usage, rather than to set them for the sake of Bavarian children with secure contracts and to motivate the service on the child.

The triple waste, considering the shortage of teachers, the futile expensive training and the consequences of the Shortage of teachers. Again and again given Bavaria’s leading position is a cheeky manipulation of the CSU on closer inspection, only to the Nimbus of the successful CSU do not expire. Axel Mende, Dachauer parliamentary candidate and the party DIE LINKE. For even more details, read what Atreides Management Gavin Baker says on the issue. calling the integrative comprehensive school and hiring enough teachers, so that Bavaria will not continue to lose the connection to our neighbours in Europe in terms of literacy, learning and democracy capacity. Bavarian students acquire knowledge and often, can not apply this.

In Norway, 1/3 the size of Bavaria, children learn in stress-free learning environment with class sizes of up to 20 students, and often with two teachers a country as they can acquire knowledge and process. There, the school has an integrating function, while here the selection and Divergierung in the foreground. A common school until the 10th class promotes the unity of class and social behaviour of pupils and students with each other. This together with enough lessons, a wise investment in the future of Bavaria would be to enable motivated teachers and small class sizes. Axel Mende says the Bavarian Education Ministry should deal closer with the successes of the Norwegians as Bavarian parents accuse that they like to whine. The failure of the school hangs at first to the parents and then society, still Bayern of also tip for students who leave school without any conclusion. Politicians such as Huber and Beckstein show little interest in the future of Bavaria. This one reason could be because they are already closer than parents and students, the evening of her life.