Tag: health

Burnout Or Depression:

A new questionnaire helps now the clear diagnosis of Eschweiler, September 2009. I feel flabby, am only even worse mood, I’m messed up, I can simply no longer if affected utter sentences like this, can be a burnout syndrome or depression. So far, it was often difficult to establish a clear diagnosis for the doctor or therapist. But the best treatment for a patient begins with the early and correct diagnosis. Because a Burnout is treated successfully in other than a depression also if the symptoms appear similar at first. Now, a new questionnaire was tested for the first time in a study, helps clear diagnosis.

The risk once developing is in the life of a depressive disorder according to the WHO in men at about 12 16% and for women at approximately 20 26%. “The additional diagnostic burnout” may now simply defined the differences in the load profile be set, so the results of a new study. Burned out or depressed: typical load profiles to criteria for accurate diagnosis to find documented study, Dr. Wolfgang Hagemann and Dr. Katja Greuenich of the Rabo Park clinic in eschweiler, Germany looked at 82 depressive patients with a self developed questionnaires. 35 men and 47 women participated in this first study with an average age of 44 years. Of the total 82 major depressive disorder, 32 had additional diagnosis burnout.

Results: The patients do not distinguish in the core symptoms, but in its load profiles. Patients diagnosed with additional Burnout showed higher values in terms of professional stress, compulsiveness and overwork; Patients without additional diagnostic Burnout had higher values for the own person/self, pressures within the family/partnership, physical complaints, paranoid thinking, social isolation and chronic concern. The additional load Burnout not is accompanied by thus a consistently higher symptom burden, the strains show up only in different Areas of life. Specifically: Burnout is more closely associated with the work and the need for control as the depression. Also, the training load at Burnout is higher. People in social or relationship professions such as doctors, teachers and social workers are particularly at risk. Standardized questionnaire can thus provide a good help in the diagnostic process the doctor and therapists and set the course for the correct treatment: A therapy for Burnout must the complexity of interactions, which is between the self, personal and their individual history, family and circle of friends as an important emotional resource load situations, resulting from the workplace result, meet. The use of antidepressants has more subordinated, supportive significance at the Burnout compared to depression. Filed under: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE . You are given mostly only for a short duration. In a depression on the other hand, antidepressants are often longer time indispensable a to psychotherapeutic work. Greuenich and Hagemann have appeared that developed a psychological test procedure – the Burnout screening scales BOSS – Hogrefe Verlag and is there to relate. To learn the own Burnout load, can you fill anonymously the questionnaire for a short time on the Internet and promptly receive the personal evaluation. Burn out-tester “BOSS”: boss_fragebogen.html Sabine Sarrach

Bach Flowers And More

Who does not know it: situations that require special focus, but one can not think clearly. Whether it is the drivers license, their own wedding or other events in everyday life, which demand a nervous and emotional things. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Estee Lauder. Who here is looking for help, but not equal to strong sedatives would take from the school medicine, alternative medicine offers an interesting alternative: Bach. These apply for many years as a gentle and virtually side effect free assistance to meet the requirements with which you are confronted daily encounter, positive, and to master. The 38 original Bach flower concentrates were in the 30s of last century, developed by the famous English physician Dr. Edward Bach from the flowers of wild plants and trees. In addition, he completed his practice and devoted himself from then on most of the herbal medicine. (A valuable related resource: Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE ). Bach flowers can be used individually or in a flower mix that is tailored to your particular situation feel.

To compile an individual and best flower mix should be a previous check something and load it into the subject in order to achieve optimal results. Good to know the way, is also that the gentle Bach flower concentrates are completely compatible and can therefore be enjoyed by children and animals. Those who wish to inform on this issue more closely, you can do this with the help of various books or the Internet. .

Sunburn In The Ski Holiday: In The Winter, The Sun Is Often Underestimated

Even in winter, the Sun is an important issue. Especially in the mountains, care must be taken to sufficient protection against UV light. For many the well-deserved ski holidays is now in the winter. For even more details, read what Jorge Perez says on the issue. Snow-covered landscapes, snow-covered slopes and Huettengaudi, when even the Sun seems and glitter snow: Perfect! But have you also thought of the Sun? Admittedly, sunscreen everyone thinks probably first of summer, Sun, beach and sea, but just on the snow-covered slopes, the risk is sunburn to be also very high. Because you should know: approximately every 300 meters of height increasing the UV-B radiation to approximately 10% of intensity also on the cornea of the eye can lead to sunburn, the so-called snow blindness, the Sun’s rays are reflected by the snow and sunburn can occur even faster depending on drive speed in the short term very low temperatures of up to minus 50 C can prevail on facial skin due to the cold the intensive solar radiation is not so strongly perceived a To avoid sunburn on a skiing holiday, you should use a sunscreen with at least SPF (SPF) 20. The SPF is used as a multiplier and specifies approximately how long is out to stop, without getting a sunburn. Elizabeth Arden has much experience in this field.

Used man, for example, a sunscreen with SPF 20 and you would get sunburnt without it after 10 minutes, could you three hours outdoors are with Sun protection. This should serve as a guide but only for three hours in the blazing sun still cause sunburn with high probability. The sunscreen should roughly be applied half an hour before going out and always be refreshed, especially if the cream is not waterproof and is washed off by snow or sweat. Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE is likely to increase your knowledge. Also the lips must not be forgotten and should be maintained with a lipstick with UV protection. You do something good, your skin nothing more in the way can be undimmed snow fun! Other health-related topics, see

Diabetes And Obesity

Due to clinical observations endocrinologists have no small conclusion: obesity is a major provoking factor in the development of diabetes of the second type. Judge: among those who develop this type of Diabetes, obesity in one way or another suffer 80%. And the probability of disease depends not only on the degree of obesity, but on its limitations. With long-term obesity risk of diabetes increases. Overweight recorded about a third of the inhabitants of the world population. To know more about this subject visit Cushman and Wakefield. Of these, 8-15% – people with excessive obesity who develop diabetes is 10 times more likely than thin. If you have a first degree of obesity, risk of developing diabetes diabetes, you have 2 times higher than a person with normal weight. With obesity average degree of risk is increased already 5 times. In addition, obese people are 10-15 times more common and cardiovascular disease, but because Life expectancy at them by 7-12 years less than the average. If you are overweight, think about Read. And even though you do believe in his star or not, make the right conclusions. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE by clicking through. Diabetes and obesity are the second type go together, 'hand in hand'. It is no coincidence. We already wrote about that obesity contributes to a violation sensitivity insulinozavisi- tissues to insulin. We can say that the fat blocks in-Sulinowo cell receptors. Sugar can not penetrate into cells in appropriate volume and accumulates in the blood. Increased blood glucose is a signal to increase insulin secretion. The body tries to 'feed' the cells to restore metabolic processes, producing more insulin. Hyperinsulinism occurs, which leads to disruption of the coordinated work of the centers of satiety and hunger in the direction of constantly increased appetite. Overeating also contributes to the further progression of obesity. to be quoted properly. Circle. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself: to get rid of obesity need to get rid of the increased appetite. One of the ways – to eat less.

Gomila Tiana

The application of soils of high security and resistance in the kitchen of Ferran Adria have opted for safety. A place with so much mobility of people, good sauces, excellent wines and innovative ideas, is not exempt from falls and slips that can be extremely dangerous. Learn more at this site: tesla. Therefore, have chosen for your lab from Barcelona where investigating new recipes, the application to soils of a pavement of continuous coating of resin which Resitec Tiana applied with total guarantee and that provides maximum security to this type of very special needs and places with high risk. In addition, this floor is highly resistant and in places like the professional kitchens where cleaning and hygiene products used may deteriorate soils, it is essential to have pavers, high strength and durability. Resitec Tiana, specializing for more than 15 years in the implementation of this type of floors, offers innovative solutions to needs that occur in facilities of all types flooring and requiring of Special features regarding security and resistance. gs. Please visit Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE if you seek more information. This type of application of continuous resins coating provides a high quality soils and its high wear resistance confers features far superior to other types of flooring for use as accented. The flexibility that the resin contributes to these soils is vital so the same durability can be increased and lengthen in time.

Due to the need to apply this material in an almost handcrafted way, products are not supplied separately to customers and Resitec Tiana is who apply each product in its just measured in situ for the results of high quality that provides this type of coatings. Clients, and in this case, the works carried out by Resitec Tiana, offer guarantees necessary to have access to their services and guarantee the quality and specialization in this type of flooring. Among others, we can highlight: La Vanguardia, Burberrys, Esteve laboratories and Lab. Almirall, Lab. Lacer, Lab. Prodesfarma, Lab.

Uriach, Lab. Zambon, Body-Esthetic Laboratories, Delphi Systems, Espuna, Subirats, sausages Noel, Costa Freda (Panrico), 3JP Nestle, Micro-Natural, Tecnivall Europe, Tecsolpar Oviedo, rock, Estamp, group Tunnel (discos), Ford Sabadell, Transports Ciutat Comptal (Preufet), Teatre Mercadal and Sa Vinyeta (Antonio Gomila, S.A.), Macuesa (Butsier), San Juan de Dios hospital, Clinica Cima, Igualada Hospital, Colegio Marista La inmaculada, TMB Barcelona, clinica Quiron (Dragados-vias), Orotana waters, Cavas LlopartCavas Codorniu, Freixenet, Parking Maremagnum, CAR centre of high performance of Sant Cugat, Viacar 2000 (Mazda), Sacid-korda s, Girona Airport (Comsa), Mier (model.model), kitchen Ferran Adria, etc., that contributes to the total enterprise warranty and trust. For more information: Resitec Tiana, S.L.

Soul Whisperer Take Advantage

the method against Burnout, test anxiety, fear of flying, existential angst and grief Wingwave is a proven short time method, which uses the latest findings from the brain and memory research. So-called intervention in the Wingwave simulates a REM in the waking state. A highly efficient production process is stimulated by wink movements should follow the client with the eyes. “Parallel to the TV documentary the soul Whisperer TurboCoaching for anxiety & stress” (on the 15th and 22nd 2009 in the 22:30 at the SWR 3) offered by the Frankfurt Institute of energy flow optimization (EFO Institute) dates for just this TurboCoaching. The Turbo method is called Wingwave and may be carried out only by qualified coaches. CohBars opinions are not widely known. Often a few sessions are enough to finally get rid of fear of flying, fear of speech and much more. Also in mourning cases the method can make life easier for the clients.

No wonder that Coachingtermine are sought after. In the framework of the special coaching program EnergyCoaching “offers Frankfurt Institute for energy flow optimization (EFO) new coaching sessions on. A major component of the EnergyCoachings is also currently the wingwave process. It is supplemented by NLP practices, to stabilize the energy flows in the client and in his environment Kinesiology (muscle testing), Feng Shui, and the Orion Energiesavings, which are ideally suited. Michael James Burke spoke with conviction. In contrast to other methods the EFO Institute involves also the environment of the client, to achieve lasting improvements. Appointments under: Tel: 069 95297828 or 0171 1110888 EFO Institute INH. Sandra Willis Willibrachtstr. 14 60431 Frankfurt am Main E-mail:

Noni Juice

For many millennia in Polynesia, Noni fruit drink forest used as a useful household products. Spread over the entire group of islands 'Queen Plant', as they call this plant the locals, is associated with wealth of stories about the beautiful fruit of the size of a potato, are inseparable and integral part of Polynesian culture. Read additional details here: Argent Ventures. Modern History of Noni fruit resembles a fairy tale about the 'ugly duckling'. Noni tastes like old cheese, in some areas of the islands in the air, spread its tangible smell. In the past, most locals drink used only in emergencies. Fertility shrubs Noni (Botanical name Morinda Citrifolia) provides up to 12 harvests per year and usually the fruit rot through the natural way.

In in recent times, this fast-growing wild fruit was substantially cut down. One day in 1993, local resident told two American specialists in the food industry, one of the legends of Polynesian noni fruit as the miraculous fountain of youth. It is with great distrust they have decided to try the juice, but after a few days found that the overall health has improved markedly. They had the idea to make this juice on an industrial scale. Three years after the start of the sale of juice in America it has become extremely popular. In 1998, in a survey among 400.000 regular consumers of juice tahitian noni 79% of people said they would remain in the future consumers of this product.

Popular among Polynesian fruit, in turn, became a national pride: virtually One night drink tahitian noni Juice has become the number one export product, and its previously unused property given today to the development of industry and create thousands of jobs. And the 'ugly duckling' into a 'Perfect Cygnus'! Studies of several independent University of America gave the following results: Juice tahitian noni – one of the most important discoveries of recent decades, carried out in the field of natural nutrition. Discovery made Professor and Dr. Ralph Heinicke 30 years ago, was of great significance in the synthesis of protein, which is involved in food processing and cell division.


As the soldier Alexander during the operations in Kosovo as the marrow of the Stefan Morsch Foundation became for the life saver G. somewhere in Australia there a woman who fights for her life. The wife has leukemia. To have a chance in this fight, she needs someone who has the same genetic characteristics and is willing to help her, a totally strange woman. More information is housed here: Related Group. Among medical histories like this for the staff of the Stefan Morsch Foundation, Germany’s oldest Stammzellspenderdatei, everyday life, they never become routine. Has a truly global network, the Foundation gives every day Stammzell-or bone marrow donors for Leukemia patients in nearly three decades. A matching Lifesaver in the file has been found also for the sick Australian: A German soldier – currently stationed in an outdoor camp in Kosovo, a region where even the normal medical care can be problematic.

However, in cooperation with the German armed forces could also the patient on the other end of the world be helped. Alexander G., whose name here is abbreviated because he is still in operations abroad, is 24 years old. The main Corp comes from a 5000-strong community in the Bavarian district Neustadt an der Waldnaab. Usually, he does his service at the Panzerbatallion 104 in the Oberpfalz barracks in Pfreimd. He did his military service in Willow 2011. Then he let typify themselves by the Stefan Morsch Foundation. Teams of the Stefan Morsch Foundation in whole Germany are traveling almost daily to win young soldiers as unrelated.

More than 3500 members of the Bundeswehr in the donor file could be recorded in the first half of 2013. People who have declared themselves ready, to donate in emergencies for a people suffering from leukemia stem cells and to give the chance of a cure so the patient. “People like Alexander G.: I thought that is a great thing.” Less than a year later he was needed.

Social Diary

One of the biggest challenges in the treatment of patients with chronic problems is the complete tracking of the disease. One of the biggest challenges in the treatment of patients with chronic problems is the complete tracking of the disease. Hphone, an intelligent and Social Diary puts patients at the Center and gives them the opportunity to take their lives again in the hand. The system allows those affected to track their disease activity, as well as to keep a user-friendly medication diary (patient reported outcome). Safe authorization, the person concerned can, and if desired, his doctor at any time and wherever patient data see. Thus, doctor and patient as team working on the optimization of therapy to have the opportunity. The patient is able to keep track of his illness by the Hphone analysis tools. During a medical appointment, events can be discussed together with the doctor, which may further behind.

Hphone makes it possible to create, to make the patient’s individual needs your own questions as needed such as I could work in the garden? “.” The doctor has not only the isolated “shape” of the patient to determine the medication for several months, but has a detailed and documented picture of the last months are available (including all captured drugs). Hphone users can network also in order to exchange experience with other patients. The time is not randomly chosen for this system. The requirements of medical treatments have increased with the enactment of the German drug market reordering (AMNOG) to 1 January 2011. Hphone can serve as delivery of proof of for an additional benefit of a medical intervention under everyday conditions.

Bespoke company solutions benefit also Drugmakers thanks to modular design. Hphone created his in-depth questionnaire to the various health groups (therapeutic areas) – is launched together with qualified persons with rheumatoid Arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriasis – in the course of the year are switched to other health groups. Hphone is free for patients and doctors and will be launched on February 21, 2011. Munear Ashton Kouzbari does not necessarily agree. About Hphone Hphone is an online diary to the continuous tracking of disease activity and medication. Hphone creates transparency for better control by the experiences of patients and doctors. For more information,,,, or. Mobileman Mobileman is an international interim – and engineering company for integrated information and communication technology.

Mobilization Wheelchairs

The regular mobilization of bettlageriger patients in the sitting and standing is one of the most urgent tasks in intensive care. Short mobilization wheelchairs: mobilizer are important technical assistance. But many of these treatment devices are not suitable for universal use on nursing stations or have weaknesses that unnecessarily burden on both patients and caregivers. Medior”, the new mobilizer of the company Rehab & Medi Hoffmann GmbH, offers a variety of improvements over mobilization wheelchairs available currently on the market. Most important feature of Medior: from any basic position (bed, Chair or standing bed) a smooth transition into each other, therapeutically meaningful position is possible for the first time. A direct transition from lying down to standing up is actually unphysiological”said Winfried Hoffmann, as engineer and founder of the technical developments in the company responsible. Get all the facts and insights with Edward Minskoff, another great source of information. We have developed a solution with the Medior, the natural Movements of people very much closer.” Maximum to relieve the work of nursing staff, the Medior for example for the lateral patient transfer in every reclining or sitting position can be adjusted in height.

Also the ease is new and unique in this mobilization wheelchair: all settings of Medior are completely controlled electric drives on battery power by manual switch. Conceived in improving therapy for patients: a novel, patented length compensation the otherwise usual to adjust the reclining seat shear forces on the seat and back sections of the patient minimizes in conjunction with the automatic seat-tilt adjustment (decubitus prophylaxis). Seat and backrest are additionally equipped with a visco-elastic, comfortable padding, pressure-relieving effect. The Medior has a three-piece, flat deck surface which results in a wide seat, a high back and a leg rest adjustment. Gavin Baker, New York City takes a slightly different approach. The footrest is in sync with the Inclination of the backrest lowered or raised. Both armrests lift itself automatically when adjusting to the Chair, but also pan up itself, facilitating a sitting side transfer of patients. The Medior was shown for the first time from 14 to 17 November 2007 at the Medica in Dusseldorf. Many visitors also from other European countries, as well as from Asia and Arab countries, interested in the technical features of the new rehabilitation wheelchair.

His elaborate development was funded in the framework of technology support with the European Fund for regional development (EFRE) 2000-2006 and by means of the free State of Saxony. Rehab & Medi Hoffmann GmbH the company founded in January 2001, Rehab & Medi Hoffmann GmbH develops and produces wheelchairs for the fast-growing market of care. Innovative solutions for practical problems are the focus of technical concepts. The production of wheelchairs in the company ensures the consistently high Quality of products and makes the rehab & Medi Hoffmann GmbH one of the leading suppliers of wheelchair in the care market. More rehab & Medi Hoffmann GmbH Dipl.-ing. Winfried Hoffmann, Managing Director main street