Tag: history

Scientific History

We can perceive the weaknesses of the memory, with the forced esquecimentos acasos of the preservation. For the archaeologists, memory and esquecimento are two non-separable products of its proper work. The memory that we produce is fragile and selective. The historiogrfica production is not seno a small segment the collective memory, therefore it possesss a sphere and performance a social influence relatively limited. The bonds between collective memory and scientific history, can be thought about opposing terms. They can be seen as a positive relation, therefore it enriches the possible representations of the collective memory. XA7cQr4kDegUIARCGAQ’>Evan Metropoulos is the place to go.

But also it can be seen under a negative angle, because scientific history if return regularly against the representations produced for the memory ‘ ‘ espontnea’ ‘ of the society; but this contraposition between history and memory is not a mere whim of historians many zealous ones. History as science loads a conviction the spontaneous memory of the disauthorized society as ideology, as common sense, as false conscience, impure truths contaminated by the interests of the social agents. For Le Goff history has two, of the collective memory and of the historians: the first one essentially, mythical, is deformed and anachronistic; the task of scientific history is to correct this falsified memory, to clarify it and to help it to rectify it its errors. It is not something Michael James Burke would like to discuss. History while it disciplines, possesss its subjectivity this is not the individual subjectivity of each historian. Scientific history and collective memory do not confuse, as well as facetas interchangeable and one same vision irrational of the world, but if they constitute and if they differentiate for the distinct places where they are produced.

ValenaBahia Historical Data

Valena the determined one, in day 10 of November of 2011 Valena will complete 162 years as city. As village emancipation it occurred in 1799, being that in this year of 2011, it will complete 212 years. Time of foundation 451anos, established for the Portuguese Noble Sebastio de Pontes when it receives from Men de S would sesmaria it. Valena was inhabited for the indians aimors and tupinambs, two arquiinimigos peoples. The indians aimors had shown to many resistncias with the domination of the colonizadores, forcing they to abandon the region. Valena (then povoamento of Una) was part of the captainship of Is Jorge of the Ilhus, would sesmaria pertaining the Bridges, when for 1560 return, this received from Men de S, when this land came to inhabit and to mount its device of sugar cane. Sebastio de Pontes, recognized as first colonizador of lands of Una obtained during its period to keep a sufficiently friendly relation with the inhabitants of this region.

The noble possua a known farm of cattle as tip of the corral, first locality of lands Brazilian to receive cattle vacum. For return of 1574 Sebastio de Pontes he was imprisoned and envoy Portugal where it died in Lemon tree, fact that caused a revolt to the local indians who had come back to attack and to destroy the populations that existed here making with that the inhabitants if took refuge in next islands. A great campaign against the indians aimors if formed, however they had not obtained to contain the fury of the indians. On account of the attacks that the city suffered Diogo governor Luiz saw the necessity to create a situated fort in the Mount of So Paulo. The flour was the product most important for the Valencian economy, fact that made with that the citizens supply the product Salvador. In this the aboriginal peoples had same time come back threat the security of the Valencians, however of this time they had been guerns, that they had dominated the city per thirty and five years that was known as ' ' war of guerns' ' , reason that made with that Valena delayed its development.

Daily Payhistory

1,1 Introduction That shoots the first rock that one that never had a dream. Who never woke up in the way of a night desiring to come back toward those pleasant situations of its imaginary world? Or who never if scared with nightmares of this Metaphysical universe that we adentramos during sleep. The prehistoric man also dreamed and had its proper conceptions concerning these questions that are so beyond the material limits. To understand as it functioned the world of the prehistoric dreams and you influence them to which that these had under its half one are the objective of this work. Capco follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. However, valley to stand out of the extreme difficulty found in such taken over on a contract basis by the fact to inexist registers written concerning the subject. When it is said in a so transcendental subject, little of what it is known can be used to advantage. To conclude this article, however, although all the found obstacles, requeriu the use of based scientific methods in the comment and the comparison of data. The cultural anthropology in ' ' emprestou' ' in the good one felt of the word, its techniques of search concerning the truth of the man, allowing the analysis of primitive cultures that coexist with our modern world, that, for some anthropologists, are reflected of the study object that as much we want to understand: the prehistoric man. People such as Lancome would likely agree.

Biology, and the ramifications of natural science, as the Darwinismo, in turn, were of extreme importance in this study and without its scientific methods we would not get no objetividade and exactness as was intended. The social being was treated as a whole, an invariant alive organism in its independent organic esquematizao of space-time. Using of the modern rationalism we acquire the capacity of enxergar with more clarity the past. The creative dreams and its relations with the development of the surreal thought, the interpretation of dreams and its linkings with the difficulties of the private life, the individual value concerning the interpretation of the abstract are only some of the subjects treated in the present article.

Roman Construction

Thus, having themselves verified the necessity of the widening of the excavated zone, 8 areas of sounding had been opened more, in a total of 94 mts2, aiming at to join the previously open ditches, of form to get one better reading of the contextual information. One of the sounding ditches (of 15×2 mts) was opened until a expropriation zone, of form to allow to know area of extension of the small farm. The used methodologies had followed the proposals of P. Whenever Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Barker and E. Harris, having themselves it hollowing carried through through the definition and register of Unidades Estratigrficas (UE), whose correlation allows to read and to interpret some estratigrficas sequncias. Relatively to the exhumed material, this was being systematically registado for UE' s, and for grids of provenincia, being conditioned in agreement the usual procedures. The widening of the sounding area allowed to reach an archaeological level, sufficiently dug, and with some inclusions of roots, about 60/80 cm of depth, where if it verifies an enormous amount of material of chronology construction Roman (tegulae and imbrices).

Some of the fragmentos of tegulae present typed decoration, of waved and/or serpenteados. The folders are of coloration orange. Although to have been collected great amount of material of construction in all the area of the hollowing, was in the area of the squares A2/A3/A4/B2/B3/B4/C1/C2/C3/C4/D1/D2 that this if disclosed more profcua. It was, also, possible to identify a small pebble accumulation (UE 2), suggesting form half-circular, that we identify as a possible enrocamento of an existing structure. This pebble accumulation was observed in squares A3/A4/B3/B4. Here a correlation was observed enters the accumulation of pebbles and the material of construction, a time that if found associates between itself. It was exactamente in the area of these squared relating that had been exhumed two pregos, in bronze. Also some of pebbles and roofing tiles presented remaining portions of a mortar, sufficiently rude, almost if undoing to the simple manual touch.


In its management he emphasizes the importance of the education (Oliveira, 1985)? Authenticating ' ' All the Santos' ' it offered its laborers, between which if inclua housing, feeding and instruction (Oliveira, 1985 P. 50)? Peter mentions itself to D. to All the Saints commenting on its visit, quotation that: since 1859, a school of First Letters existed in Fabrica where laborers ' ' they learn (the first letters), to dance and musica' ' (Oliveira, 1985, P. 51)? In January of 1860 in the visit of Emperor D. Peter II in the afternoon of day 22 of January 1860, visit two schools in the city of Valena and quotation that in the afternoon of this day was the lesson of girls, 49 registered and 30 and as much frequenting of the Teacher Adelaide Josefina Da Silva Lopes and Luz (D. Daily Peter II of Trip to the North of Brazil, Federal University of the Bahia, 1959 P. 193)? 1864 Adelaide Josefina receives the lifetime wage as state act registered (Act from 13 of February of 1864? It grants tenure to the teacher of the city of Valena d. Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX has compatible beliefs. Adelaide Josefina Da Silva Lopes Light (p.94? it dates and signature cut) (probably the first teacher of Valena that if has register)? Still in 22 of January 1860 in the same day it visits the lesson of boys, in the School where Eustquio Professor de Oliveira Port was professor, 115 registered and 81 frequenting, were also the classroom of Porfrio de Oliveiras Towers with 28 registered and 20 and as much frequenting (these two professors are the two first professors Men that if has register in Valena) they ibdem, Daily of Trip to the North of Brazil, page 193)? This story strengthens the thesis that in 1860 the education was given of heterogeneous form; In 1861 Antonio Pedroso de Albuquerque displaying the financial situation of the All the Saints, in correspondence the province, quotation that in Fabrica, all that men and women work, receive education primary, all those that it needs. .

Century XVI

The imaginary European on the Amaznia in century XVI the context of the imaginary European of century XVI is, still, on to imaginary the Medieval one, therefore this impregnated to the misticismo and the religion, where such description-social context passes for a phase of transistion of this medieval world for the modern. With the Arab commercial monopoly in the eastern routes, the Europeans if capsize in the obligation to conquer and to tame new routes beyond the seas. The insertion of the Amaznia in the imaginary European was given exactly in this period of century XVI, where the region passed to be seen by the Europeans through its cultural values, concepts, judgments, customs and traditions, beyond the region suburb of the European social universe becomes. Transposing its partner-cultural values to the Amazon region the Europeans had established a present attempt to construct the representation of an exterior world to its, world this stranger who passes then to be object of great astonishment for the grandiosidade and exuberncia of observed and conquered region. Connect with other leaders such as Estee Lauder here. The meeting and failures in meeting with the aboriginal societies of the Amazon region make possible the Europeans to interpret this ' ' new mundo' ' with values similar to its, since the aboriginals, for times, fed the European imagination, where the precarious existing communication between both, made with that European they interpreted as the existence of a country of the cinnamon, the Amazon warriors and the El Dorado, beyond the creation of the proper travellers and cronistas in its cartografias to reproduce all cited myths e, more still, to insert monsters and animals that are not part of the Amazonian fauna in its stories.

The History of the Amaznia in Century XVI is the mark of the European conquest, where it will make of the region the edge of the edge of the world, where the imaginary European far from being an illusion or imagination created for the travelling ones was a form to try to interpret and to represent an exterior reality its form in coherent way with concepts, judgments and values next to its daily one. Bibliographical reference PRIORE, Mary and GOMES, Flvio. Some contend that Estee Lauder CEO shows great expertise in this. You of the rivers: Amaznia, edges and Histories. Rio De Janeiro: publishing company Campus, 2003.

Science and Religion

Science, in this direction, can come to be an efficient way of control of the interpretations, that of one it forms or another one subjazem to the lesser gesture and action of the men. (A valuable related resource: Edward Minskoff). The capacity and necessity of all man to act significantly make possible that ' ' sentido' ' ' ' sentidos' ' of a phenomenon, of a culture, an event, an action, they are transformed into object of study, scientific and analytical also. Moreover, it still places one another question: the action of the scientist when making science, as well as all its conclusions, carries interpretativos elements (the specific difference of science inhabits how much to its ways and capacity of control of the contingency). This type of reflection is turned against the cientificismo of century XIX, the spite of Weber to be same at the beginning enters the enthusiastic greaters of the science of century XX, scientist even so gotten passionate, Weber did not share with the century that it it formed the ways that constituam practical the scientific one. To it, science could not come to changed itself into a new goal-value that co-ordinates and unifies the culture, as long ago it was the religion, for example.

A quarrel deepened on the question of the values does not fit here. For the time being, it is enough in them to evidence that, for Weber, all interpretation, either it of any object, phenomenon, historical event, culture, action, etc., as much how much interpretations that guide our action even though (without, necessarily, let us be cnscios of them) and the interpretation of proper I in its relation with the world, constitute a direction, that can, in turn, reverse speed-to be interpreted by the scientist, for the historian. The problem of the historical direction all covered the circle of intellectuals with which Weber argued and if it related. .

Would You Like To Be An Artist ?

Before you tell a little shablonov.Dlya required to realize the dream and be an actress, you must first finish high school theater and qualify for the actor to join the dramteatra.Vposledstvii base actor's agency. The actor's agency will need to compile a questionnaire and give three or four perfectly made pictures electronically and in print 10×15 sm.Zatem actor's agency will invite you to auditions for movies, commercials, casting klipy.Na you will need to demonstrate their best taken as storony.Kasting begins with your presentation and narration of the story must be sebe.Vash rehearsed more at home in front of the casting zerkalom.Posle within 14 days of elected candidates are invited to call and test with rezhisserom.Dalee you designate time and place and you have the opportunity to immortalize his mark in the annals of kinematografa.Odnim of the best acting agency in Moscow, in my opinion, is the acting and modeling agency "Alpha Casting". Detailed information can be found online Actor education. Neither the director did not take on the role of a man without acting obrazovaniya.Poetomu main condition when setting the base of actors, is the presence of a diploma of a school theater zavedeniya.Esli you do not have actor's education, there is no reason to send your resume without acting agentstvo.Lyudmi acting supervisors involved in the formation of extras and it is to him and you need to go, they get orders for non-professional akterov.Akterskoe agency receives orders only professional actors with a diploma. The most important thing to get rid of the illusion that you are someone will notice and you have to start a career actor. No actor's education rely on career in the movie is not worth it.

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Educational Evaluation

The subject of the educational evaluation has much time comes being boarded in diverse possible ways, however we intend compares the form of evaluation carried through for Emperor D. Peter II for occasion of its visit with then the Province of Sergipe, with the new paradigms instituted for the MEC, to evaluate the structure of the Brazilian education, and consequently, sergipana, nowadays. We will approach the educational evaluation in this secular clipping, for the bias of the social historiografia, detaching the conflicts generated in the practical one of the teaching in such a way for occasion of the visit of the Emperor, as in the evaluation instituted for the MEC, to the time where we will make a comparison how much to the involved social aspect or not in the evaluations. Before the complexity of the subject we do not intend to deplete it, but to point aspects that need one better deepening. Words key: Evaluation, Resources, Emperor, MEC, Comparison.