The Laboratory

This work is carried through by the proprietor to take the visitors to the health-resort. The water samples destined to the analysis of pH had been collected separately, in plastic container or of glass. After the collection, the samples had been stored in box thermal with ice and carried immediately to the analysis laboratory. The dates of the samplings and information are synthecized in Table 3. The referring information to rain take in 24-hour consideration the previous period to the collection of the samples. TABLE 3? INFORMATION ON the COLLECTION OF the SAMPLES Sample 1Amostra 2Amostra 3Amostra 4Amostra 5 Data12/0819/0826/0802/0909/09 Hora12: 0011: 0011: 1012: 1511: 35 ChuvIntensAusenteAusenteModeradAusente the Conama Resolution n 274/00, in its article 7, establishes that the techniques used for the analysis of waters must be approved by the National Institute of Metrologia, Normalization and Industrial Quality? INMETRO or, in the absence of these, the Standard Methods will be the Examination of Water and Wastewater-APHA-AWWA-WPCF, last edition (BRAZIL, 2000).

The responsible laboratory for the analyses was the Laboratory of Agro-industrial Quality – LAQUA, situated in the UTFPR? campus of White Duck. For the detention of Coliformes total the technique of the Multiple Pipes was used, whereas the detention of Escherichia coli was proceeded through the Substrado Cromognico. pH was measured with phgmetro. Results and quarrel the natural waters have an acidity source, that is the carbonic gas, which, dissolved in the water, produce acid the carbonic one, that is acid a weak one. The carbonic gas comes from atmospheric air, or the respiratory activity under the water.

The waters also possess an alkalinity source, that are the carbonates, mainly the calcium carbonate. , The more thus limy it will have, greater it will be the water capacity to neutralize the acidity. As it cites White (1972 p.38) a river never will be demasiadamente acid nor alkaline, therefore acid the carbonic one is acid a weak one and the carbonates also are lcalis weak.