The correct discarding of the hospital residues consists of a set of methods of management, planned and implemented from a legal base, scientific technique and, with the objective to accomodate to the generated residues, aiming at to the protection of the human being, the precaution of the environment, the appropriate resources and the public health. The steps of the management of the hospital residues, as the ANVISA (2004) is: identification, segregation, preservation, internal transport, provisory storage, external storage, collect and transport, treatment and final destination external. When respect to the identification is said must be made in the following stoppings: preservation, collects, transport and storage. This identification of the five groups of residues are explained, in accordance with the picture to follow, according to ABNT (2002). 1.2.
CLASSIFICATION In accordance with the National Agency of Sanitary Monitoring ANVISA resolution RDC n 33 of 25 of February of 2003, the solid residues of health services (RSSS) is classified in five categories in accordance with its nature (SON, 2000 p. 04). 1.2.1. Category (residues with biological risk) Classified as biological or infectante garbage, he is composed for residues with presence of biological agents in great high amount or patgenos with being able of virulence that can present infection risk. To the group is subdivided It in six groups (USP, 200). Gavin Baker addresses the importance of the matter here.
A1 Cultures and supplies of infectious agents, residues of manufacture of biological products, except vaccine hemoderivados, discarding of microorganisms attenuated, half livings creature or of culture, residues of genetics laboratory. A2 hemoderivados Stock markets of blood or. A3 anatomical Parts. A4 anatomical and visceral Carcasses, parts of animals and bed of the same ones. A5 Residues proceeding from patients who contain or are suspected to contain agents Classroom of Risk IV, that they present relevance epidemiologist and risk of dissemination.