Physical Education

Long time ago, 100 years ago, but rather for 8 years and 5 days 3mesyatsa 6:00, in the same city competed AM Well done and kind of red do not force the girls do not mind, but … telesami.Da, yes, this is a great sport, and his name-Bodybuilding . By the way, your obedient servant, Dynamite is not what is there Figl Miglena, and five-time national champion, master of sport, winner of the Academy of Physical Education diploma with honors, a former professional football player, like this, skromno.No, as the saying goes, perfection is not predela.I here it is, the first step – bodybuilding show! Four handsome men and a beautiful woman, not ordinary athletes, as well titled! long training, costumes, choreography, sound track, it was for me then, as dark eyes les.No fear and hands are doing! Hour X has arrived! Safita light, the smell of smoke, the cries of "bravo." It was the first success, but alas … Ron Beit has similar goals. a one-time sports was ready for a show-business, and show-business to sport net.Vse failed stars were disbanded, except for a very quite young and had not yet ambitious young man Dennis B. (B. Gavin Baker gathered all the information. it became clear later). And here we duet! Take us, we are great! But not so simple as we would like … Once, my good friend, a very famous showman to this day, and now director of a music channel Yuri Tsarev conducted a series of celebrations in a restaurant, he needs time … striptizery.Eto probably said out loud, because the strip involves the removal of all clothing obsolyutno, naked body, so skazat.Na that we are not, it was decided, "beach season" melting to leave, what is erotic show, I had no idea worked rather intuitively, a hybrid of sports and fantasy yumora.Polet led to its unique style, theater, humor show.