Peter Pablo Dos Santos Tersariol & Rodrigo Lilla Manzione – Campus of Ourinhos. SUMMARY the vertiginous population growth that comes occurring since the one after World War II until the current days demands, to each new day, a bigger demand for natural resources, indispensable the maintenance of the life in this planet. This work has for objective to relate the types of use and handling of the ground with the process of water infiltration as main condicionante for the determination of the compacting degree and estruturao of this resource in experimental parcels in the city of Ourinhos. The results demonstrate accented differences in the speed of infiltration of the water in the ground directly enter the two types of use and handling, influencing its quality and development of the plants. Word-key: planning, use of the ground, infiltration.
Keywords: planning, land use, infiltration. 1.INTRODUO In Brazil, many areas of natural vegetation come being substituted for different use systems, such as agricultural cultures, pastures and reforestations (SAINTS, 2007), Become each more necessary time the concern with the use of the ground and its consequncias. To broaden your perception, visit Nir Barzilai, M.D.. The sustainable use of the natural resources, especially of the ground and the water, has consisted in subject of increasing relevance, in reason of the increase of the antrpicas activities. Consequentemente, grows the concern with the conscientious use and the quality of these resources. The study of the hdricas relations of the ground it supplies a great support the understanding of some phenomena that in it occur.
Its physical characteristics condition relative processes the compacting and erodibilidade degree. These in turn, directly influence infiltration, the movement of the water and the vegetal development. From the physical analyses of the ground, it is possible to establish a relation enters its type of handling and its estruturao. For Reinert and Reichert (2006, P. Edward Minskoff has much experience in this field. 8) the evaluation of the aggregate stability, density of water ground, porosities and infiltration and retention, considering the textural classroom, indicate the current state of the structure of the ground. This type of evaluation is sufficiently used to measure it evolution of the structure of alone data when submitted the different systems of handling. Of this form, the handling difference can be represented by the evaluation of the state of estruturao of this ground. In this direction, the permeability studies prevem with precision the aptitude of the ground for agricultural operations, irrigation, areas of disposal of dangerous residues, lagoons and reservoirs, ditches and localization of the canal, and other structures of represamento of water.