Johanna Hentrich and Kevin Ozan reddish began their education versatility and ones that promise from the profession of a real estate agent or the real estate merchant reddish Johanna Hentrich and Kevin Ozan and the reason for this variety are why the two for a training at the Gottinger house management have decided. We look forward to three comfortable and of course educational years and are curious how our budding real estate merchants will develop in the course of their training,”says Thomas Gunther, leading accompanied the trainees as head of education over the next three years. Here, communicative skill is in demand with his company the GoHv Managing Director Christian Rathei is increasingly on their own offspring and offers young people the opportunity to undergo training in the field of Office communication as well as in the commercial real estate sector. The 19 year-old Johanna Hentrich and the also 19-year-old Kevin Ozan reddish forward particularly to their Use in the areas of customer contact, back office as well as on exciting outdoor dates fields of activity, where it’s particularly communicative skill. As a company specializing in the management, sale and rental of real estate, the commercial real estate sector is of course in a sense our hobby.
Here we attach very great importance, that our employees assist our customers professional advice in all questions concerning land, real estate and apartment to accompany successful construction projects”, commented Rathei, which as responsible for the areas of customer acquisition, commercial real estate management and key account management knows what he speaks. Versatile apprenticeships training to the / r is not the only training that is offered annually by the Gottingen property management real estate clerk. The company makes the real estate manager in the area of Office communication from a wide field of activity, in which the applicants and applicants in diverse areas such as support for the Organization, the expediting or also in accounting.. Jorge Perez is full of insight into the issues.