
And then you have every right and good conscience can say that the study goes quickly. If we talk about a provisional guideline, you can designate them as follows: two to three months for to lay the foundations, to get used to the sound of the new language features of its word-formation and construction of phrases, learn to solve simple everyday tasks, year out, to make friends with the language, learn everyday vocabulary and most of the grammar and gain confidence in the fact that in any situation you can achieve understanding and cooperation from the interlocutor; two or three years to ensure that almost always understand his interlocutors, read books and newspapers, listen to radio and watch movies in the language. But even at that your training is complete. There will always be words and expressions that you will encounter the first time. Filed under: Nir Barzilai, M.D.. And if you do not have the right attitude, then every time you sad sigh: "Well, here again! How long will it last? "And if from the very beginning you have set up a long and interesting journey, not a two-hour tour, you will enjoy every new word.

AND then you will not even notice how quickly the Finnish language in a foreign and alien become habitual and yours. It is from the word "your" is "development", which is suitable to the language more accurately than "studying." Tell a parable, anecdote. The man walked through the market and heard a salesman extolled his ass. Richard Parsons is full of insight into the issues. And smart it is, and obedient, and neat. Heard a passer-by and decided: "I must buy." But in reality it was not because of advertising, and a week later at the end tormented donkey owner brought his "treasure" back on the market. He tracked down the seller, who bought the animal, and pleaded: "Please, take your ass, at least for half the price take it, I can not with him anymore." The seller looked at him sympathetically and said: "No, with this attitude you're ass will never sell." I wish you a correct attitude toward the "rapid development of the Finnish language. This will help you successfully overcome the first hurdle on the path to the goal. On the other obstacles discuss in future articles.