The Table that tratouda Importance of the EA in the Confrontation of the Change in the Climate counted on aparticipao of names as Antonio Fernandes War, Rubens Born, Such Corral, Augustin Guerreiro and Wheat Andres. In this quarrel relevnciada geography was evident, as it disciplines that it works directly with the conceitosrelativos to the climate. The agreement of the climatic changes is necessary paraque the EA has success in this shock. Another Table with Mauro Guimares, Isabel Oak, Phillippe Pomier Layrargues, Jlio Cesar de Macedo and Luiz Ferraro gave to approach the Identities of the EA: The Papeldas Nets of EA. To know more about this subject visit Edward Minskoff. Isabel Oak detached that the ambient substantive aeducao. The author said that we need ideological directions for you answer ambient questions in Brazil, standing out some aspects as ecological amodernizao, discontinuity politics and the complexity of the machine Refletir and Recusar, evidencing the doprofessor paper/ambient educator. The school is the interface space/resume/management enessa interaction has that to over all have the valuation of the diversity.
Martha Tristo started> affirming that in the schools the denominations are sempregenricas, existing a trend of the reproduction of the mesmice. Follow others, such as Edward J. Minskoff Equities, and add to your knowledge base. Ambientalno education is a subject, this would be reduziz it and to ignore that the same one if relates the umarelao with same me, with the other, with the planet. Environment also is not umtema. It is necessary to surpass the affirmations of that the EA does not happen in the schools. It needs to rethink what it fortifies the EA, what potencializa the EA. Finalizoudizendo that the EA is against any homogenization. The apex of VI the Frum happened with the presence of the Minister of the Half AmbienteCarlos Minc. Who was present witnessed a emotive moment with aapresentao of the primitive peoples Pataxs and with the intelligent manifestation derepresentantes of youth, that had delivered to the Minister a Letter, fruit dasdiscusses of the meeting, with claims and suggestions.