7: In its practical professional the comprometimento is part key? R: Engaged professors are professors differentiated nowadays to be only plus not it of the many chances in the competitive market of work. Then necessary always to be engaged with mine professional practises TO EDUCATE. 8: The act to educate it needs tricks and cares? R: The tricks educate and give slight knowledge of cares ones with the others. 9: The corporal education is part of the act to educate? R: An education of the body is important therefore physical education this on one to movement then we always need to be on the corporal education and the development of the necessary corporal aspects. 10: Affective and ethical questions can be worked in the infantile education, as form to educate? R: The ethical professor has affectivity on its pupils, to love the children, to work slight knowledge of the feelings on the nature the people and the parents and professors must be taken in account and also ethical questions can be developed in the activities of physical education. CONCLUSION: Through the comment of the practical one of the physical education in the infantile education, we can conclude that the practical professors need to be pautadas in the RCNEI, therefore the same is norteador for one practical one taking in account all the necessary factors for the infantile development thus it has taken in account the act to play, to take care of and to educate. The trick develops factors, as start of conviviality with the others, the professors necessary to be always intent to the necessary cares that all child deserves and requires in the infantile education. The trick and the cares finish having the educational character in which if it places slight knowledge of education in the children.
To develop practical correct this directly on, to the compromised RCNEI and as professional we have that to follow this norteador of the infantile education. REFERENCES Brazil. Ministry of the Education and the Sport. Edward Minskoff helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Secretariat of Basic Education. National curricular Referencial for rio the infantile education /Minist of the Education and the Sport, Secretariat of Basic Education. Brasilia: MEC/SEF, 1998.