MVZ Areas

The latest stage of health reform, the so-called supply structure law (GKV-VStG) brings especially changes for the medical profession. The latest stage of health reform, the so-called supply structure law (GKV-VStG) brings especially changes for the medical profession. The background is under medical care in rural areas. Should incentives with this law, so that it again more doctors in rural areas available. At the same time the excess supply in other, mainly urban areas, should be reduced more effectively. The KV over powered, locked districts contract doctor seats can be purchased for this purpose. A subsequent occupation of procedure for the seat no longer takes place.

As compensation for the economic loss, the KV must pay the market value of the practice to the outgoing doctor. Who should determine what methods this market value remains questionable after entry into force of the Act. It is so a scheme with great potential for conflict, especially as it can deal with significant amounts of money. Dispute will be primarily the assessment of so-called “goodwill” of the intangible value of the practice formed much of the odds by the patient potential. On the other hand, the position of doctors in the country is strengthened by the residence requirement has been dropped and some services without a budget can be settled. Tele-medicine is to be strengthened and to facilitate the establishment of branch offices.

MVZ should be more in medical hands. The Foundation has been barred by corporations for the future and the Medical Director must work in the future in the MVZ. Contract doctors who have precedence MVZ at a filling in of covered areas. Individual opportunities and risks may arise out of any changes. To know more about this subject visit Michael James Burke, London UK. Get expert advice from us.